League Charter 2023/24

Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
Timperley & District Junior Football
League Charter
April 2023
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
 Statement of Intent
 Club Commitment
 League Codes of Conduct
 Supporting Documents
Sporting Marks
Match-day ‘Respect’ Protocols
Exemplar Club Codes of Conduct
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
Statement of Intent
The Timperley and District Junior Football League has a proud tradition of high behavioural
standards, and building on this successful history is core to our primary beliefs that children of all
abilities should be able to find safe space to enjoy an activity that promotes their physical and
mental health as they develop through to being young adults.
The League Charter has been developed to capture the core principles of behaviour and respect
surrounding all events under the guise of the League. This includes all development, league and cup
football matches, as well other events such as Finals days and League meetings.
All Member Clubs (and by extension all of their competing Teams, Managers, Coaches, Players,
Volunteers, Parents/Spectators and Officials within) must agree to abide by the League Charter at
the outset of each season. Agreement to, and compliance with, the League Charter is a mandatory
requirement for a Club’s entry into and continued participation within T&DJFL.
Clubs are responsible for ensuring that all their competing Teams, Managers, Coaches, Players,
Volunteers, Parents/Spectators and Officials are familiar with the principals and requirements of the
League Charter and agree to abide by it at the outset each season. Where the League consider a
Club or individual Team has not demonstrated adequate efforts to ensure compliance with the
League Charter, the League may recommend to Members that that Club or Team be removed from
the Competition.
Fundamentally, the rationale for implementing this Charter is to improve and then maintain a set of
high behavioural standards within our part of junior football, which in turn helps promote a safe
environment for all participants in our game. Participants primarily include the children and young
adults that play football within our League, but does also include respect for all match officials,
managers/coaches, league/club officials, parents/guardians & spectators and other volunteers
involved in helping run the game.
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
Club Commitment
As a Member of the Timperley and District Junior Football League, each Club commits to:
 Fully support, implement, adhere to, and reinforce the League Charter and Codes of
Conduct, along with the FA Respect initiative.
This includes:
o All officials, managers, coaches, players and parents must sign up to the Club’s Code
of Conduct at the beginning of every season, including compliance with the
additional requirements of the League’s Code of Conduct.
o Following the League match-day ‘Respect’ protocols.
o Following the League requirements for the Use of Sporting Marks.
Desirable Practice:
o The Club should meet each Team during the pre-season to emphasise and explain
the importance of the League Charter and Codes of Conduct and the implications of
not adhering to them.
o Reinforcing the League Charter and Codes of Conduct regularly throughout the
season and ensuring that new members joining mid-season also receive copies of
o Actively encouraging all parents/guardians to undertake the free FA ‘Safeguarding
Awareness for Parents & Carers’ online course.
 Work openly, honestly and constructively with other Clubs and the League to address issues
as and when they arise
This includes:
o Appointing a Discipline Officer (DO) to be Club’s main point of contact for coordinating the involvement of the Club in resolving issues with other Clubs and the
League. The DO should, whenever possible, be an individual who is independent of
any team competing in T&DJFL, i.e. not a manager/coach or parent of a T&DJFL
team, and who will engage with other Clubs and the League in a positive and
proactive way. The League will facilitate meetings of all DOs at least twice per
season to discuss and share experiences and good practice and suggest any
improvements to current ways of working.
o Actively supporting the DO and participating in addressing disciplinary matters
quickly, and agreeing and implementing appropriate actions for the good of all
participants in the League.
o Supporting the rescheduling of fixtures where a ‘cool down’ period is determined as
an appropriate action for one of more teams within the Club.
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 Vet all new officials, managers and coaches before appointing them to roles within the Club
This includes:
o Actively seeking information relating to persons seeking to become involved with
the Club.
o Not engaging persons who have a record of prior misconducts.
o Sharing discipline related information regarding individuals who may have
previously been at the Club.
The Club understands that failures to adhere to the League Charter and/or Codes of Conduct could
result in the Club or individual Teams being put to the Members for removal from the League.
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
League Codes of Conduct
All Clubs should have Codes of Conduct in place which match or exceed those provided by The FA.
For teams competing in T&DJFL the additional requirements of the League (as detailed below) shall
be communicated and followed also. It is each Club’s decision as to how they achieve this, whether
via a Club Code of Conduct with an addendum for T&DJFL teams, or a composite enhanced Club
Code of Conduct or otherwise. A set of exemplar composite Codes of Conduct are included in the
Supporting Documents section of this document, which Clubs are free to use as they wish.
Copies of the Club documentation should be shared with the League upon request.
In addition to the Club’s Code of Conduct to which Players sign up to at the beginning of the season,
the following are expected behaviours from all players participating in this League:
 Not cause (or attempt to cause) intentional harm to any other player, official, coach, parent
or spectator, whether that be physically or non-physically.
 Fully respect all match officials, including any stand-in referees or referees assistants.
 Not make any comments about or towards the match officials, any player, managers and
coaches, parents and spectators, unless they are wholly positive.
 To refrain from using offensive or inappropriate language.
 Take responsibility for their own behaviour.
Additional note:
o Where a player is in a youth team (U17 and upwards), they are also responsible for
the behaviour of their friends who may be spectating at their game.
 Accept the Club may take disciplinary action against them where the player breaches the
League’s and/or Club’s Player Code of Conduct.
Club Officials, Managers and Coaches
In addition to the Club’s Code of Conduct to which Club Officials, Managers and Coaches sign up to
at the beginning of the season, the following are expected behaviours from all Club Officials,
Managers and Coaches participating in this League:
 Act in support of the League Charter and its core principles of behaviour and respect at all
times, and put these above the result of any match.
 Fully respect all match officials, including any stand-in referees or referees assistants.
 Actively ensure they and their players conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and
that they follow the Code of Conduct at all times.
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 Where a player is not acting in a sportsmanlike manner (even if the match officials are not
aware), the Manager / Coach should remove the player from the field of play for a ‘cool
down’ period.
 Not make any comments about or towards the match officials, any player, managers and
coaches, parents and spectators, unless they are wholly positive.
 To refrain from using offensive or inappropriate language.
 Not undermine the match officials in any way whatsoever. Undermining the match officials
o Continually appealing for decisions.
o Making negative or derogatory comments to players or spectators about the
performance of the match officials, whether during or after the game.
o Requesting and / or pressuring match officials not to report cautions, sin-bins,
dismissals and misconducts.
o Leaving the technical area to approach the match officials, unless invited to do so.
 Not contact a match official after a game for any reason – all positive feedback, any
wellbeing concerns or other feedback should be sent via the League Referees’ Secretary.
 Follow the guidance from the League when assisting a referee by “running the line”, which
includes refraining from coaching when performing this role.
 If acting as a stand-in referee, do so honestly and fairly.
 Issue a warning to any parents/spectators of the Team whose behaviour does not meet that
set out in League’s and/or Club’s Code of Conduct. Then, if this continues, direct them to
leave the vicinity of the match.
 Report any issues of behaviour/conduct of parents/spectators of the Team, to the Club as
soon as practical after the match.
 Accept that they themselves may be required to leave the vicinity of a match if not
demonstrating the behaviours set out in League’s and/or Club’s Code of Conduct.
 Accept the Club may take disciplinary action against them where they breach the League’s
and/or the Club’s Officials, Managers & Coaches Code of Conduct.
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Parents/Guardians & Spectators
In addition to the Club’s Code of Conduct to which Parents/Guardians & Spectators agree to in order
to attend matches involving the Club, the following are expected behaviours from all
Parents/Guardians & Spectators at matches in this League:
 Fully respect all match officials, including any stand-in referees or referees assistants.
 Not coach players at any time.
 Not make any comments about or towards the match officials, any player, managers and
coaches, parents and spectators, unless they are wholly positive.
 To refrain from using offensive or inappropriate language.
 Not undermine the match officials in any way whatsoever, including continually appealing
for decisions.
 Follow the guidance from the League when assisting a referee by “running the line”, which
includes refraining from coaching when performing this role.
 If acting as a stand-in referee, do so honestly and fairly.
 Parents/guardians of players are responsible for anyone attending a match with them, e.g.
other relatives.
 Accept that they may be required to leave the vicinity of a match if not demonstrating the
behaviours set out in League’s and/or Club’s Code of Conduct, and do so immediately if
 Accept the Club may take disciplinary action against them where they breach the League’s
and/or Club’s Parents/Guardians & Spectators Code of Conduct.
The Club understands they have a fundamental responsibility for the behaviour of their
parents/guardians & spectators. Failure to implement and enforce to the League’s and/or Club’s
Code of Conduct for Parents/Guardians & Spectators could result in the Club or an individual Team
being put to the Members for removal from the League.
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
Supporting Documents – Sporting Marks
Use of Sporting Marks
A compulsory part of competing in the Timperley & District JFL is completing match statistics on Full
Time after the game on a timely basis. This includes listing players who played, posting the result,
providing constructive feedback both on the referee’s performance and on the opposition with
respect to sporting behaviour (sporting marks) in all parts of the game, from all those taking part
(players, coaches, spectators).
It is difficult/impossible for the League committee to see matches from every Club, every age group
and every division – therefore constructive feedback from others is critically important. From the
2023/24 season onwards, the League will more proactively use the information provided in the
Sporting Marks section of the Full Time post-match reporting.
In the spirit of all Clubs being accountable for their teams and their matches, we will be
implementing a process where, if any team scores 5 or below for their Sporting Marks for a certain
game, feedback for that game will be sent to their Club Discipline Officer (within 14 days of the
match). The person entering the score will also have to provide more details as to why the
opposition was given a low score in that particular game (within the free text comments box), e.g.
events particular to player, coaches, and/or spectator behaviour. They should be aware that these
details will be shared with the opposition Club DO.
If a team is seen to be having repeated and consistently low scores, the League has the right to invite
the Club (Discipline Officer and Secretary) to discuss the actions being taken to help support the
team having difficulties.
Summary scores for each team will provided to each Club’s Secretary and Discipline Officer on a 2-
monthly basis. This will give each Club sight of the scores for all their competing teams, including the
average score, number of games played, number of scores of 5 or below, and any associated
As part of the League Charter, it is mandatory for Clubs/teams to provide this feedback via Full Time
within 3 days of the match taking place. Not providing feedback is counterproductive and will also be
seen as non-compliance with the League Charter and a breach of a Club’s obligation to attend to the
business of the Competition.
We hope that providing this data to each and every Club will give the Clubs better access to current
information to help support their teams within their Club, and ultimately support a healthy
environment for the children to play football.
Clubs / teams with continuously bad scores will be flagged at League meetings, initially with efforts
to support these Clubs/teams with their issues. Consistently low scores will be a consideration in
issuing invitations for entry into Cup competitions run by the League. At the end of each season, fair
play awards will be given to the best scoring Teams and also to the best Club overall.
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Guidance on marking for Sporting Marks:
Mark out of 10 to be made up of players (max 3), spectators (max 3), and manager/coaches (max 4)
3 – Behaviour and sportsmanship good; occasional fouls but nothing malicious; respect consistently
shown to referee
2 – Behaviour and/or sportsmanship occasionally poor; some disrespect towards referee
1 – Behaviour and/or sportsmanship consistently poor; regular disrespect to referee
0 – Game abandoned due to player issues
3 – Behaviour and sportsmanship good; no disrespect towards referee or opposition
2 – Behaviour and/or sportsmanship occasionally poor; some disrespect to referee and/or
1 – Behaviour and/or sportsmanship consistently poor; regular disrespect to referee and/or
0 – Game abandoned due to spectator issues
4 – Behaviour and sportsmanship was consistently good; effectively addressed any player or
spectator issues that may have arisen
3 – Behaviour and sportsmanship was good, no disrespect towards referee, but did not effectively
address player and/or spectator issues that arose
2 – Behaviour and/or sportsmanship was occasionally poor; some disrespect towards referee
1 – Behaviour and/or sportsmanship consistently poor; regular disrespect to referee
0 – Game abandoned due to manager/coach issues
Where a score of 5 or below is given, additional details should be provided in the free text box.
These details will be shared with the opposition Club Discipline Officer.
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
Supporting Documents – Match Day ‘Respect’ protocols
The match official shall call both teams to the center of the pitch immediately prior to kick off.
The home and away managers shall exchange hard-copy squad ID sheets and paper match cards.
Note – If a Team does not have their current squad ID sheets with them the game cannot go
ahead and this will be treated as a failure to keep their engagement under Rule 20E(ii).
The two teams shall line up and each manager shall call out the names of the players listed on the
opposition squad ID sheet, to check player identity. The manager shall then sign and retain the
opposition paper match card.
Note – A player not shown on the Team’s squad ID sheets is not permitted to play. If any such
player is subsequently found to have played, this will be referred to the LMC under Rule
The teams shall then carry out the ‘Respect’ handshake, including the match official(s).
After the match it is expected that players and managers/coaches will shake hands with one another
and with the match officials.
The score shall be added by the match official to both copies of the match card and they shall also
sign these. Each manager retains the others paper match card safely until the end of the season, to
be made available to the League or Sanctioning Authority on request.
Rev 0 – 28
th April 2023
Supporting Documents – Exemplar Club Codes of Conduct
• Always play to the best of my ability and for the benefit of my team
• Play fairly – I won’t cheat, dive, complain or waste time
• Play by the rules, as directed by the referee
• Not cause (or attempt to cause) intentional harm to any other player, official, coach, parent or
spectator, whether that be physically or non-physically
• Take responsibility for my own behaviour, and if I am over 16 I will also take responsibility for the
behaviour of any friends who come to watch me
• Refrain from using offensive or inappropriate language
• Respect my team-mates, the other team or my coach/manager
• Respect all match officials, including any stand-in referees or referees assistants
• Not make any comments about or towards the match officials, any player, managers and coaches,
parents and spectators, unless they are wholly positive
• Be gracious in victory and defeat – I will shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of
the game
• Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me
• Understand that a coach has to do what is best for the team and not one individual player
• Talk to someone I trust or the club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club.
I understand that if I do not follow the code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my
club, county FA or The FA:
• Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager
• Receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee
• Be dropped or substituted
• Be suspended from training
• Be subject to other disciplinary action by my club
• Be required to leave the club.
• My club, County FA or The FA may make my parent or carer aware of any infringements of the
Code of Conduct
• The FA/County FA could impose a fine and suspension against my club or myself.
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We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment
in which children can learn and enjoy the game. Play your part and observe this Code of Conduct for
spectators at all times.
• Remember that children play for FUN
• Applaud effort and good play as well as success
• Fully respect all match officials, including any stand-in referees or referees assistants; including
respecting the Referee’s decisions even when I don’t agree with them
• Not undermine the match officials in any way whatsoever, including continually appealing for
• Follow the guidance from the League when assisting a referee by “running the line”, which includes
refraining from coaching when performing this role and acting honestly and fairly
• If acting as a stand-in referee, do so honestly and fairly
• Appreciate good play from whatever team it comes from
• Remain behind the touchline and within the Designated Spectators’ Area
• Let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by coaching them or telling them what to do
at any time
• Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and match officials
• Support positively and offer players encouragement not criticism
• Not make any comments about or towards the match officials, any player, managers and coaches,
parents and spectators, unless they are wholly positive.
• Never engage in, use or tolerate, inappropriate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or
• Taking responsible for anyone attending a match with me, e.g. other relatives, siblings etc.
• Accept that I may be required to leave the vicinity of a match if not demonstrating the behaviours
set out in this Code of Conduct, and do so immediately if requested.
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken:
• Issued with a verbal warning from a club official
• Required to meet with the club or CFA Welfare Officer
• Required to meet with the club committee
• Obliged to undertake an FA education course
• Obliged to leave the match venue by the club
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• Requested by the club not to attend future games
• Suspended or have my club membership removed
• Subject to other disciplinary action by the club
• Required to leave the club along with any dependents.
• The FA/County FA could impose a fine and/or suspension on the club.
We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment
in which children can learn and enjoy the game. Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of
Conduct at all times.
• Act in support of the League Charter and its core principles of behaviour and respect at all times,
and put these above the result of any match
• Use my position to set a positive example for the young people I am responsible for
• Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches,
managers, officials and spectators
• Not make any comments about or towards the match officials, any player, managers and coaches,
parents and spectators, unless they are wholly positive
• Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game
• Promote fair play and high standards of behaviour, including actively ensuring the players conduct
themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and that they follow the Code of Conduct at all times
• Where a player is not acting in a sportsmanlike manner (even if the match officials are not aware),
removing the player from the field of play for a ‘cool down’ period.
• Fully respect all match officials, including any stand-in referees or referees assistants; including
respecting the match official’s decisions even when I may not agree with them
• Not undermine the match officials in any way whatsoever. Undermining the match officials
 Continually appealing for decisions
 Making negative or derogatory comments to players or spectators about the performance of
the match officials, whether during or after the game
 Requesting and / or pressuring match officials not to report cautions, sin-bins, dismissals and
 Leaving the technical area to approach the match officials, unless invited to do so
• Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
• If acting as a stand-in referee, do so honestly and fairly
Rev 0 – 28
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• Follow the guidance from the League when assisting a referee by “running the line”, which includes
refraining from coaching when performing this role and acting honestly and fairly
• Never engage in, use or tolerate, offensive, inappropriate, insulting or abusive language or
• Be gracious in victory and defeat.
• Not contact a match official after a game for any reason – all positive feedback, any wellbeing
concerns or other feedback should be sent via the League Referee Secretary
• Issue a warning to any parents/spectators of the team whose behaviour does not meet that set out
in the Code of Conduct; then, if this continues, direct them to leave the vicinity of the match
• Report any issues of behaviour/conduct of parents/spectators of the team, to the club as soon as
practical after the match
• Accept I may be required to leave the vicinity of a match if not demonstrating the behaviours set
out in this Code of Conduct, and do so immediately if requested
• Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning
• Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying
• Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
• Ensure all activities I organise are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity
• Co-operate fully with others in football (e.g. officials, doctors, physiotherapists, welfare officers)
for each player’s best interests.
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my
club, County FA or The FA:
• Required to meet with the club, league or County Welfare Officer
• Suspended by the club from attending matches
• Suspended or fined by the County FA
• Required to leave or be sacked by the club.
• My FA Coaching Licence may be withdrawn.
• My League manager ID badge may be withdrawn





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